Thursday 2 February 2017

“The Soldier” - By Rupert Brooke

About Poet:

Rupert Brooke was an English poet of the Neo Romantic era that essentially 'Romanticized' war. Brooke caught the optimism of the opening months of the war with his wartime poems published after his death, which expressed on idealism about war.The vast amount of his work was in the form of sonnets; his most notable being “The Soldier”.

“The Soldier”
The Soldier was written while Brooke was on level of Christmas,1994.This poem is one of the last war poems about WWI that looks at a biter side of war. And Rupert Brooke view, unlike later poets captivated with horrors they saw, is that there is no better way to die, then for your country.

Tone of the poem:


Main theme of the poem:


Line 1 – 4
The speaker is a anonymous soldier who anticipates his death at war, he is ready to serve his country,he does not want the reader to muon,but to be understood as part o a selfless tribute to England. If he dies and if he'll be buried in a foreign country. There will be piece of that country that will be forever England. Because it will contain his body which is English.

Line 5 – 8
The speaker feels that he owes his life to England like a motherly figure that raised him. So, England is seen as a mother, actually, she bore him, she gave him a shape. She made him know, she gave him her flowers to love and her paths to explore. His body is an English body and breaths English air where he'll be buried will be forever England.

Line 9 – 14
This part of the poem talks about his ascension into Heaven. “A pulse in the eternal mind” means that his soul is now with god. In heaven, he will re – experience all his England memories. When he'll die and his body will be buried, his mind will always think about all what he has received by England. He says all the things his mother country has given to him.

So, The poem's voice is that of the unnamed and anonymous Soldier. This soldier therefore seems to speak not only for himself, but for other soldier too. This is, a poem about selflessness: the idealized selflessness of the soldier who sacrifices his life for his country.

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