Saturday 3 December 2016

Blog Task of the novel "To the Lighthouse" by Virginia Woolf

Ans: 1)

We can say that Virginia Woolf has thrown some light on the serious topic like human relation. Virginia Woolf uses stream of consciousness in this novel. She presents psychological level of a person, shows the aspects of living the life and presentation of complex relations. It is used more accurately than the latter, since it is rhetorical term and properly refers to a literary technique. The technique of stream of consciousness especially with description of consciousness. Woolf’s technique- stream of consciousness highly inspired by William James- principles of psychology. Even though she was not strictly followed that technique rather experiment with that technique. Mrs Ramsay is the truly typical woman character and a bridge between children and their father. Children are not directly connected with their father. She is a woman who sacrifices herself for others.

Ans: 2)
      Yes, I agree: “The novel is both the tribute and critique of Mrs. Ramsay." She is a typical woman as well as good wife and mother. We find that, Mrs. Ramsay is always involved in family; she takes care of every person. So we can  tribute her because her whole life she spent for others and don't think about herself, but it presents patriarchal society. If we give critical analysis of this character, we can say that we don't always live our life for others because in our life dreams, hopes and desires also. If we compare the character Mrs. Ramsay with Lily Briscoe so, we can say that Lily is a free minded women. She is a painter and she always thinks live alone. If we look at her as Ideal Indian woman so she is perfect in that image. 

     Ans: 5)
      To the Lighthouse’ is many ways a ‘Kunstlerroman’ novel.
      Here, we find two artists growth. Beginning of the novel we see that Lily was started to her painting and the middle of the novel we find that she left her painting and the end of the novel we find that she complete her novel so here we find that artists growth in mind means through her all ling period she continuously   thinking about her painting, so here we can say that growth of an artist’s mind.
It also deals with ‘arrogant rejection of the commonplace life’, in this novel the character of Lily makes it ‘Kunstlerroman’ novel.

Ans: 9)
Refrigerator in Army and Navy stores catalogues. It’s also a symbol of change technology changing and presumably improving human culture. Do not allow to change. James cut refrigerator but Ramsay gave instruction. She wants to preserve herself. And shaping her children’s minds. Boy is allow to cut down but daughter cannot.Refrigerator it is symbol of central character Mrs.Ramsay that she always tries to preserve the refine form of culture as it is her responsibility. It is suggestion to James from Mrs.Ramsay to cut refrigerator from the catalog of Army and Navy.


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