The novel Midnight's Children is written by Salman Rushdie and directed by Deepa Mehta. Indian National Congress leaders came against the movie alleging that
the film portrays former Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and some
other leaders in a negative manner.
Midnight's Children centers around Saleem Sinai, a boy with powers of telepathy socialism - More than just loyalty and the other main character is Shiva. They are born in Bombay hospital and nurse exchange these babies. Within
a few moments, their life changes. Rich boy becomes poor and poor,
rich. This two names it self suggest that how religion plays vital role in Post Colonial Studies. Here we can see that one fault of Nurse and two children are privilege and how nurse came to this child house and leave
together and at time pass way, she talk about that what she do them to
their child and he is not child of Mumtaz and Ahemad Sinai. At that time
Saleem has know that his nose of Children are know that their born
midnight and also Saleem says that ‘children of midnight ?, midnight’s
In this film we can also found the use of ‘magic realism’. Salman Rushdie very well composed literary theory in his writing through his style magic realism. Character of Parvati presents magic realism. Through her magic skills, she changes the situation and saves Saleem’s life.
In this movie we can see Parvati give the birth of child, biological
father is Shiva but child accepted by Saleem. It means our bloods are
same but we separated people in different religions. So we can see that
social, cultural and political power that sustains colonialism and
neocolonialism in this movie also.