Teaching of EST In Indian conditions
Teaching of EST (English for science and technology) in India suffers from some serious disadvantages. In
India English is mostly accepted as
the language of science and technology, as it is second language in India there
will be some issues is recognizable. English for
science and technology is sub-chapter of English for academic purpose (EAP). Teaching English for science and technology is
different from common English, EST courses/English tends to teach conventional and educational classification.
Meaningful and productive teaching of (EST) is still a far cry and the reason are apparently those enumerated above. These three aspect of (EST) teaching, namely, needs analysis, structure of technical English and teaching materials, and expertise are inter - related and each of them must be considered in the context of the other two.
Need analysis is fundamental to an (EAP)
approach to design the course and teaching method. In this John Munby’s model
could serve as good guide, in his work “Communicative Syllabus design he has
given very helpful and comprehensive need analysis method to identify the needs
of the learner.. From the above analysis it is
clear that the students of the science and technology views English as a tools
of communication, of opportunity, they are more interested in subjective
English rather than general English.
The above analysis clearly points to two major abilities needed by learner.
1) Reading and comprehension of technical texts written in English.
2) Writing of technical English.
The teacher’s role in a learner-centered classroom of
EST is absolutely critical. It takes practice. It takes patience. It requires a readiness to try new things, fail, reflect, revise, redeem and repeat.EST
is English foe academic purpose thus its chief aim is to complete the
requirements and needs of the students as well as organization, and for that
need analysis is necessary and the analysis should be kept in mind, materials
and methods of teaching should be according to need analysis.